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Branscum Construction Company and its subsidiary, Precision Erection Company held their 34th Annual Holiday Dinner and Awards Banquet on December 10, 2010, at the Russell County Auditorium and Natatorium.   At the dinner, the Associate of the Year was recognized along with those with five, ten and fifteen years of service and there was a drawing for door prizes.  

Branscum Construction and Precision Erection Company were proud to honor so many associates for their many years of service completed in 2010.  Recognized for five years of service were Neal Bradshaw of Campbellsville and Rene Bejarano of Somerset.   Acknowledged for ten years of service were Luis Ineztroza of Liberty and Billy Stearns of Russell Springs.  Roger Helm of Jamestown, Chris Hudgins of Greensburg and James Murphy of Owenton were distinguished for fifteen years of service.

BRUSS North America, Inc. celebrated the expansion of their facility in Russell Springs, KY with a Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, September 1, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. CST.  Governor Steve Beshear was present to celebrate the Ribbon Cutting, along with over 150 people including company and local leaders.

"It's a Great Day for Russell County."  Gov. Beshear said, "The German-owned company, which specializes in the manufacturing of sealing systems for transmission and engines, has invested $10 million and is currently in the process of adding more than 100 new jobs."

Branscum Construction Company was the Construction Manager on this 130,000 square foot expansion.  The expansion included manufacturing space, warehousing space, break room, and offices.  The Branscum Team included Sandra Honaker, Project Manager, and the Superintendent was Randall Redmon.

BRUSS ribbon cutting

A Dedication Ceremony was held on July 25, 2010, in Lancaster, Kentucky for the new 117,000 square foot Garrard County High School.  There were several hundred members of the community including local and state dignitaries present to help celebrate the opening of the New High School.  The program included guest speakers Representative Lonnie Napier and US Representative Ben Chandler.  Also speaking were Kevin Stull, Principal of the New GCHS, Jerry Browning, Joe Brown, Chairman of the Garrard County Board of Education, Donald Aldridge, Garrard County Superintendent, and Zackary Parsons, senior at GCHS who gave the benediction.

Following the Ceremony there were freshments and everyone had the opportunity to tour the new Garrard County School at their own leisure.  A color schematic of the facility was available

The new Garrard County High School is paving the way in Kentucky by providing students with a State of the Art Learning Facility.  The new school was built in two phases.  Phase "A" consist of the school and site work.  One of the unique features in the school is that the heating and cooling system along with the lights throughout the facility are all controlled by computer.  Also gone are the days of chalkboards, they have been replaced with dry erase boards and smart boards.  There are so many more extras such as; an art room which is equipped with a kiln for pottery and a technical lab where students can study engineering and computer repair.

 While Phase "B" contained the construction of the Athletic Field House, which houses the coaches' offices, a weight room as well as the locker room.  There is the Greenhouse with an outside science lab, rain garden, courtyard, amphitheater and a shelter for outdoor classes. Also included in Phase B was the construction of the Football, Baseball and Soccer Fields.

Branscum Construction Company's dedication to excellence has provided Garrard County a "Landmark Project" that we are all can be very proud of.   The Branscum Team that worked on this remarkable new learning facility was Project Manager Jeff Cook, CM Senior Superintendent Terry Loy, and GC Superintendent Richard Pitman.  Branscum Construction was the Construction Manager and the architect was Ross-Tarrant for the new Garrard County High School.

garrard county high school dedication

Branscum Construction Company was honored to be part of the Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Lake Cumberland Area Development District (LCADD) facility in Russell Springs, Kentucky.  The Ceremony took place on July 22, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. with a large crowd on hand to help celebrate.  After the Ribbon Cutting, all the attendees were invited to tour the new facility and enjoy refreshments.

The new facility features 8,750 square feet with 24 offices, several conference rooms, and multi-purpose rooms.  The new construction was attached to the existing LCADD building.  Besides housing the LCADD offices, they also rent space to the Office of Employment & Training, the Kentucky Farm Workers Program, the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Kentucky Office for the Blind.

The dedication of the Branscum Construction Team allowed LCADD to be completed on time and within Budget.  The Project Manager for this project was Larry McEnroe and the Superintendent was Jerry Brown.

LCADD Ribbon Cutting

The Dedication Ceremony of the New Adair County Judicial Center was held on May 20, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. with approximately one hundred fifty members of the community including local and state dignitaries present.  The ceremony began with a Welcome Greeting from Adair County Judge Executive Ann Melton followed by the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, Presentation of Colors, and the National Anthem.  Members of the Columbia Masonic Lodge performed the Laying of the Corner Stone Ceremony.   During the Passing of Justice Ceremony, Adair Circuit Court Clerk Dennis Loy accepted the Scales of Justice and the first Deed book from the old courthouse from predecessor William Caldwell, portrayed by re-enactor Richard Phelps.  The Scales of Justice art piece is a model by Columbia sculptor Tim Smith's bronze scale which will be placed at the top of the fountain which is scheduled for completion in the near future.  The large crowd then heard remarks from Sue Stivers, Columbia-Adair County Chamber of Commerce, Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Daniel J. Venters and Vice Chief Regional District Judge Michael Loy.  

The Dedication Address was given by Chief Justice of Kentucky John D. Minton Jr.  "It is a privilege to celebrate with the people of Adair County as they dedicate this outstanding new Judicial Center," Chief Justice of Kentucky John Minton Jr. said. "Since the early days of the commonwealth, Kentucky's courthouses have held a special place as the center of our communities."  At the conclusion of the Dedication Ceremony, there was a Ribbon Cutting in front of the New Judicial Center doors and the community was welcomed to tour the facility.

The New Adair County Judicial Center consists of approximately 37,232 square feet, which includes the Circuit Court, District Court, Family Court, Circuit Court Clerk Offices, Judges quarters and Sally Port area for Judges.  The prisoner single-point security entrance with magnetometers and a holding facility will provide the highest level of court security.  In addition, the prisoners will be segregated from the public by a separate corridor and entrances into the courtrooms.   The New Judicial Center is also equipped with the latest computer, video, and networking technology.  

The Adair County Judicial Center was designed to meet the standards required by the Administrative Office of the Courts.  The architect who designed the judicial center was DLZ Architects from Frankfort.  Branscum Construction Company of Russell Springs was the Construction Manager for the Project and Ross, Sinclaire & Associates were the financial agents. 

Adair County Judicial Center Dedication Ceremony

On December 4th, 2009 Branscum held their Annual Christmas Party where Mr. Jerry Brown was named 2009 Associate of the Year.  Jerry was nominated for this honor by his peers and joins a distinguished group of associates that have received this award in past years.

This award is a very serious and honorable award that recognizes an individual's overall performance.  This associate is one who is a true representation of the Branscum organization and is a role model for all their co-associates to follow.  Their performance is based on the following items:  loyalty, attitude, attendance, knowledge of the industry, personality, working with others, conduct, ability, production, quality of work, safety and effort.

Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on Monday, September 28th to officially start the construction of the new Russell County Judicial Center, in Jamestown, KY.   Approximately 80 people, including city, county, and state officials were present to celebrate the beginning of construction.

The new Judicial Center will be approximately 44,500 square feet.  It will be equipped with the modern infrastructure to support data, computer, video and networking technology.  The facility will also provide the highest level of security through a single point entry with magnetometers and security personnel.   The project is estimated to be completed within a 15-18 month period.

Branscum-Pepper Construction is the Construction Manager and Brandstetter Carroll Architectural Firm of Lexington designed the new Judicial Center.  The Project Manager for this job is Sandra Honaker and Larry McGowan is the Superintendent.

Russell County Judicial Groundbreaking

What Clients are Saying About Branscum

“Simply put, Branscum Construction was fantastic to deal with. Thanks to Branscum’s attention to detail and round-the-clock availability.”

—Alan W. Reed, Adair County Schools